Oil & Gas

Applying Augmented Reality to the Oil & Gas Industry

The oil and gas sector is at a crossroads. Despite its irreplaceable necessity in the market, today’s prices do not offer companies the profit margins they once did. As a result, the industry is turning to next-generation technology like augmented reality to keep itself at the head of the pack. The idea of augmented reality (AR) usually brings to mind high-tech gaming equipment or Google Glasses. However, this segment of emerging technology has significant potential to bring the oil and gas sector to a whole new level, both in product safety.

The application of digital technology is the key to spurring innovation in the oil and gas industry, helping both big and small companies to increase production and raise the standard of safety for its employees. Augmented reality can help in bringing the end-to-end value chain of these sectors to their full digital potential. One important method is through imaging technology, which is offering both oil and gas companies’ great visibility underground and underwater. For example, AR can help engineers to witness the impacts of seismic surveys at potential offshore oil sites. An increase of real-time data through AR can allow companies to plan more thoroughly for disaster situations and generate less environmental damage.

Using AR equipment such as headsets or eyewear could offer employees real-time assistance in repairs on an oil rig or a gas pipeline. This emerging technology can scan machinery, both big and small, to identify the core location of any malfunctioning, and offer an immediate alert if the situation requires evacuation. If maintenance is needed, AR equipment can provide step-by-step instructions on how to fix machinery. One US technology company is offering AR technology that projects instructions for the repair of machinery directly over the structure, offering a hands-free option to resolve repair issues. The option of not just visualization, but also animation, in the maintenance of equipment will mean that workers can watch as AR demonstrates exactly how to resolve maintenance problems. This will reduce errors and maintenance downtime and improve efficiency

In addition to increased efficiency and maintenance repair, AR technology will be a significant aid in improving the safety of those employed in the oil and gas industry. AR headsets worn by employees working on site could offer immediate availability of pathways to safety in case of emergencies. AR technology could also track employees who work on remote or offshore sites through GPS.

French oil company Total, one world’s biggest oil producers, is currently using AR technology through the implementation of Microsoft HoloLens to train its employees on complex tasks. The goal of AR usage is to adequately prepare employees to carry out difficult and dangerous jobs that are performed only once or twice a year, such as cleaning out large gas tanks under the station. The use of AR allows Total workers to familiarize themselves with the process, and then refresh their memories before carrying out these dangerous and seldom performed duties.

Augmented reality is a powerful tool that can improve the industry. What’s more, it’s only one step away from virtual reality. Implementing both augmented and virtual reality will take the oil and gas sector to the next level of production, safety, and overall success. The companies beginning to implement AR technology are on the right track to a more efficient future.


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